Thursday, November 2, 2023

Painting The Village

The weather is really changing with the season...we've had lots of strong winds, on and off rainstorms and the days just got an hour shorter... But we're still happy to be here, for sure.

Last week, before the time change, Johnny set up to paint the village from the field below the place we stay. It was a nice enough day to paint plein-air, so he took advantage, knowing we would be getting some nasty weather soon. It gets really muddy here when it rains, and there's no way he could set up in that situation.

Just below the can see Lago Trasimeno
in the distance.

The first bits coming together...

I always enjoy watching the work come together from the start when it's just sketched in.

Adding color to the sky.

Very loose and fast.

The color combination of the blue sky and orange/brown village is lovely. Then you get the various greens of the surrounding woods and olive groves.

Almost finished.

He may do some studio touching up...we'll see!

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