Friday, October 8, 2021

Painting Near Montefalco

Janelle and I took a little road trip last weekend, and I spotted an area I wanted to check out to paint.

We pulled down a side road and I set up to do a small plein-air oil. 
The light was good, still morning time.

I try to keep my painting gear in the trunk, so if I see an area that interests me, I'm ready. It's a lot of stuff to haul around, but that's part of the job.

I always start by laying in some lines and color, and then go from there.

Janelle takes a few photos, maybe a video...then she'll go walking or read a book. I just zone in on the work.

If I can find a good spot to pull the car over, it's great. If not, I have a kit I can carry out to the fields, or where ever.I like to find some shade for myself, ideally, but I always have my hat.

I'm working with this new Sienna pochade box, and really liking it. I bought it back home, and brought it in my luggage here, to Italy. I'll leave it here in my studio.

It's been slow getting started but I have a few small paintings done, and a couple of large studio pieces. 
So far, so good...


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